Monday, March 4, 2013

MAKERS weekend announcement

What is a Makers weekend you ask? 

We guarantee you have never experience anything quiet like this before.

It's a weekend all about MAKERS  (a.k.a. YOU, making cool stuff)! 
We will MAKE with our hands. We will MAKE crafty friends. We will MAKE our souls happy doing what we were MADE to do. Create!

The low down on this event:
  • Begins Friday, April 26th in Siloam Springs at a craft house for 12 ladies
  • Wraps up Sunday afternoon, April 28th.
  • Price includes fabulous home-made meals & endless beverages for the weekend
  • Price includes 2 night room accommodations (2 guests per room, sleep overs are still fun as grown ups!)
  • BEST OF ALL: Price includes all your craft projects for the weekend! We will be building, painting, sewing, MAKING all weekend long. 
  • Lastly, we promise lots of surprises, inspiration & a pampered weekend for your soul. 

Go ahead...let yourself be AWEsome. Come MAKE with us.

Registration is NOW CLOSED.

Payments & Deposits


  1. I so hope you'll have more of these! Once my baby isn't nursing anymore I would love to come! :) it sounds like a blast!

  2. Tell me more. Is it full? What do we need to bring? What times does it start on Friday? Thanks, Terri
