Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I haven't been into a book series so much since I was a teenager! This may be a series meant for that age group but I am addicted. Initially I wasn't really thrilled about it, didn't even see the movie in theaters but I did rent it later and I was sucked in. I adore the characters, (Edward is even MORE DelIcOuS in the book) the passion and love story plotted out in the story. I got the books a couple weeks ago and gobbled the first one up in 3 days. It provided the backdrop and thoughts behind the stares of passion in the movie. it was AWESOME. Now I am on to New Moon.

***Warning***STOP READING HERE if you don't want any part of the plot spoiled!!!!

New Moon starts out awefully slow. It's almost painful that the prince leaves his princess and the book draaaagggssss on and on. Come on! I get that Bella's depressed, hearing Edwards voice and enjoys Jacob Black already. I was just about thinking edward and Bella would never re-unite but I am not done with the book just yet and it looks like there is hope. It's heating up and I once again am being pulled in. I have high hopes for the movie too, coming out in November, which I already have plans to see with my sister for her birthday the night it comes out.


yes, it may be a weird teenage thing but I dig it.

[caption id="attachment_20" align="alignnone" width="435" caption="The poster for the first movie"]The poster for the first movie[/caption]

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