Thursday, June 13, 2013

MAKERS Craft Saturday, July 20th

MAKERS announcement...

We are condensing our popular weekend retreat (if you haven't checked them out, HERE is a recap) into a single day of crafting for those mom's have a harder time getting away for an overnight weekend.

It will be a day all about MAKERS  (a.k.a. YOU, making cool stuff)! 
We will MAKE with our hands. We will MAKE crafty friends. We will MAKE our souls happy doing what we were MADE to do. Create!

The low down on this event:

  • This one day event will take place on July 20th at Junque 2 Jewels
  • Price includes fabulous home-made breakfast, lunch & endless beverages & snacks for the day
  • Price includes all the supplies necessary to complete all the crafty projects we have planned for the weekend. We will be building, painting, sewing, MAKING all day long.
  • Lastly, we promise lots of surprises, inspiration & a pampered day for your soul. 

Go ahead...let yourself be AWEsome. Come MAKE with us.

MAKERS Craft Saturday