Thursday, May 30, 2013

Scrapbook Sale, June 22nd

Please email if you are interested in reserving a spot to SELL your own scrapbook/crafty stash at this event.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MAKERS wrap up!

After months of thought and craft work it finally happened! Our first ever MAKERS weekend...a crafty retreat where creative ladies make lovely things together. And it was a great experience, wish you all could be there to share in it.  We were greeted with a rainy Hello but the weather made you want to go inside and start crafting!


We started Friday with Margaritas in Mason Jars and a fiesta feast!

24/7 Home-made yummies 

There was plenty of swag from Darling Livi & Junque 2 Jewels

The craft room was a magical paper chain jungle with a buffet of trinkets.

 We started with fun wood block frames everyone personalized.

We did some sewing on Friday Night. The cutest (and toughest to make) ruffle tea towels.

Saturday we took a little field trip to some of my favorite places.

We also got our hands dirty with "wood shop 101" with the craft husband. We may rustic wood trays and got to use real tools!

We worked on soul books. They are so personal & each one different which makes it a great mixed media project, even for non scrap bookers. 

We had fun making our own leather cuff bracelets. 

 We made some fun signs! Each gal made to reflect their personal style and I love that they turned out so different.

Here is one of the ladies signs living in its new home. : ) 

I was probably most excited about our rag quilt project. We each had an assortment of fabrics to suit us and  I COMPLETED my first ever sewing projects.  Go me!

Our last day was more making...we made burlap wreaths, pom pom trim pillows and finished up our other projects. The sun also came out so we could eat our final meal on the deck.

 Farewell to the "original" MAKERS!

While I get to write the post and share about our weekend it is never a solo journey...our "crew" is AMAZE-balls! Fer real. They worked so hard to make sure each thing was handmade from the swag, to the food, to decor we pretty much made it all. 

There is Kara who is a tiny ball of non stop energy, works harder than all of us and who keeps me on track. She knows how important details are to me and makes sure things line up with my insane standards. Makes my heart happy : ) 

Then there is Becky who rounds out my creative skills with all her sewing abilities and is always great for a motivational chat. She loves the MAKERS like I do and I truly appreciate all she did to make this event, and so many other events happen for J2J.

Then there are these two. THEY. ARE. EVERYTHING. They have to live me and the reality of running a creative based business which isn't always pretty and fluffy. It's our life and I am so glad I get to live it with them, alongside me every step of the way. The craft husband is my hero and our little Annie Oakley is my right hand girl. Love them with all I am.

One last thing...