Saturday, May 14, 2011

Celebrate Scrapbook Layout with Pink Paislee

I haven't shared any scrapbooking layouts in awhile but I have been busy creating! Here is one of my favorite layouts. It features new products from Pink Paislee & House of 3 line "Soiree". Doesn't it just feel like a party when you look at it?

 There are so many little finds with this line of products! The little banner pin flags & sparkly glitter elements.

I also love the tissue paper in the line - yes I said that right - TISSUE PAPER! It's perfect for creating ruffly edges and dimension without bulk .

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Celebrate Scrapbook Layout with Pink Paislee

I haven't shared any scrapbooking layouts in awhile but I have been busy creating! Here is one of my favorite layouts. It features new products from Pink Paislee & House of 3 line "Soiree". Doesn't it just feel like a party when you look at it?

 There are so many little finds with this line of products! The little banner pin flags & sparkly glitter elements.

I also love the tissue paper in the line - yes I said that right - TISSUE PAPER! It's perfect for creating ruffly edges and dimension without bulk .

Pin It

Now I'm just ready to add photos from our fun 1st birthday crop to make this layout about a bash complete!
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Light it up Blue

April is Autism awareness month and there are so many great happenings to share that will help promote the awareness of the affects of autism on individuals, families, your neighborhoods, schools and the world. For me and my family we live every day with the reality of life with Autism and how it impacts our daughter.  While I am often hesistant to share "our story" as everyone has strong opinions and thoughts about the subject I will say has been life changing for us.

We are okay with being weird according to everyone elses standards. We celebrate our childs differences & her quirky-ness. We advocate diversity & acceptance versus dwelling on differences. We try to empower her. We coddle her sensitivity and compassion for seemingly un-important things...we hope she holds this in her heart even as an adult. We do not think she needs "fixing" we are proud to call Kaia Allison our daughter.

Off the soap box...
One fun way to participate and show your support is by lighting it up blue...change your lightbulbs to blue as a show of support. It's like giving a great big hug to all of those touched by Autism ; ) Get your blue bulbs at Home Depot for $1.65!!!

Locally, here are some Autism related events you can participate in!

April 1st “Light it Up Blue” Campaign, Panera Bread Autism Fundraiser, Buy a Smoothie and proceeds go to Autism Speaks, and change your porch light to blue…

April 2nd-WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY & Sensory Sensitive Movie “HOP” at Fiesta AMC in Fayetteville 10:00am

April 8th – Autism Support Mtg. 6-7:30 Nancy Kay, Local Lifecoach/Counselor speaking about Stress Relief for the Families.

April 15th/15 - Crop for a Cause Scrapbooking Fundraiser Event, by 2 Katie Designs. Visit for more information.
May 7th- THE EVENT!!! 2nd ANNUAL AUTISM WALK 6:00am setup-12:00pm clean up!!
June 6th NATURALS AUTISM AWARENESS NIGHT 6:00pm. Tickets $8($4 goes to NWA Autism Support Group)


Autism Speaks Kicks off World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month Celebration with its Light It Up Blue Campaign

Over 500 Iconic Buildings and Landmarks Around the World will Shine a Bright Blue Light on Autism

Autism Speaks Launches New PSA Starring 5th Graders from Pelham, N.Y. and Introduces a FREE Light It Up Blue App Available through the iTunes Store NEW YORK, N.Y. (March, 24 2011) – Autism Speaks, North America's largest autism science and advocacy organization, today announced its 2nd annual Light It Up Blue (LIUB) campaign – a unique global initiative to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day and help raise funds and awareness of autism as a growing public health crisis.

LIUB will begin on the evening of April 1 when more than 500 structures in over 120 U.S. cities and 25 countries will join Autism Speaks to shine a bright light on autism. Iconic landmarks around the world – including the Empire State Building and the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City, the Willis Tower in Chicago, Universal Studios in Hollywood and Orlando, STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, along with the Niagara Falls and CN Tower in Canada, Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil and the Sydney Opera House in Australia – as well as airports, bridges, museums, concert halls, schools/universities, restaurants, and retail stores, will light up in bright blue to help kick off Autism Awareness Month and celebrate World Autism Awareness Day on April 2.

The public can actively participate in LIUB by supporting the campaign virtually with the launch of a free Light It Up Blue iPhone App and new Build a Blue Website. The LIUB app is available at the iTunes Store and allows users to become part of this global initiative by turning their own pictures blue with a choice of five different style frames. Americans are encouraged to upload the photos to the live stream on In an effort to help raise much needed funds for research, participants can also Build a Blue Website and ask friends and family to support Autism Speaks by making a donation to their personal page.

In addition, Autism Speaks will launch a new 30 second PSA starring 5th graders from Pelham, N.Y., singing an original song composed by one of their classmates for LIUB. The PSA is set to air starting March 21 on broadcast and cable television and SiriusXM satellite radio and is live on As part of its ongoing, award-winning public service ad campaign, to promote autism awareness and encourage participation in the LIUB initiative, Autism Speaks has once again produced web banners that can be downloaded for free.

Individuals interested in finding fun and creative ways to participate in LIUB should visit The website provides a number of ideas from hosting autism-themed gatherings to viewings of autism-themed films and TV programs to wearing the Autism Speaks puzzle piece pin or by purchasing specially marked blue light bulbs and LED lanterns sold exclusively at Home Depot to light the exterior of your house. The site also accepts donations to fund autism awareness and research efforts.

“We are very excited to see all these landmark buildings, some for the second year now, illuminated in blue as part of our Light It Up Blue campaign to support World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month,” says Suzanne Wright, co-founder of Autism Speaks. “We also want to give a special thank you to our corporate and retail partners for their dedication and the generosity they have shown to this cause. Together, we will light the skies like a beacon of hope and ensure that our message of autism awareness will reach millions around the globe.”

The following Autism Speaks corporate and retail partners will Light It Up Blue by raising autism awareness in stores starting on April 1 and 2:


Casey's General Stores


Dollar General


FelCor Lodging Trust

Gaylord Hotels

LAMAR Digital Media


The Home Depot

White Castle


Zale Corporation Bergdorf Goodman


Coldwater Creek

Elizabeth Arden

Lord & Taylor

Neiman Marcus

Nest Fragrances

Ralph Lauren


The NBC Experience Store

T.J. Maxx


Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Greate Create!

It really is great to be creating! I get all in a funk if I go a few days without getting my fingers singed by a glue gun or having paint stuck under my nails so I have to tell you how excited I am about The Greate Create. The "gist" of it is a monthly craft round robin swap set up and it's created to get YOU creating more. It's a great motivation for me thus far and I am just excited to see what these crafty ladies are making each month. Come create with us if you need to get your mojo back!

Here is the info provided by our fearless leader, Melissa, at My House is Vanilla. This gal is a great supporter of 2 Katie Designs and just a cool chick, I wanna ring her like a sponge so I can have a drop of her creativity.

What is The Great Create?

Basically, just a small group of crafty girls who have committed themselves to crafting each month with the purpose of marking things off their "to-do" list and, at the same time, swapping items with each other.

Can I participate?

Fo shizzle. Email ( and you're in.
What are the guidelines?

Pretty simple. Choose 12 items that you want to create this year. Each month, you'll mark one of your items off the list by making TWO of whatever it is (two bags, two stuffed cats, two balloon paintings... um, whatever). You'll keep one - and the other will be shipped off to your monthly swap partner.

Who's my swap partner?

Each month, you'll get a new partner - the goal is for everyone to receive something from each person participating! I'll send out an email each month with the name of your partners... which won't be a secret because, well, that's just too many emails for me to commit myself to sending. I'm lazy.


So for the first month I had my BFF to give my creations too...spoiled her a bit with a Frame, a Super Glitter Cup and a glittery XO for her Valentine mantle motif. I recieved from Jessisa at Our House on the Hill an awesome Valentine garland which made a great addition to my own mantle when I added my personal photo booth pics. Sa-weet! Also she can SEW and I am SO jelous!

Did a mention children are involved here? They can join too! Great huh? We have a JV sqaud and I'm not sure if it was coordinated or not but it worked that Kaia had to send her Greate Create project to Kensey (Jessica's daughter) which was neat. Kaia was thrilled to see a pic of Kensey wearing her creation and thought it was cool that Kensey's daddy is in the military too. Kiddy connection.

Kaia made a headband (after spending an hour shopping for a fabric she liked, we ended up with 5 super cute Amy Butler patterns BTW) which she is seriously better than me at doing. Guess she doesn't over think it. She made a necklace as well from a rock she had been tumbling...and tumbling...and tumbling. Literally since Christmas I have had a low hummmmm huuuummmm happening in my garage waiting for these polished gems to emerge! They finally did and she fitted it into a necklace shown below on Kensey!

Kaia also received her crafty item for the month which was this one of a kind clipboard. The perfect motivation for homework in my eyes - anything to get this kid excited about writing or reading! yippee from both Kaia and mama.
Thx - Crafty Katie : )

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Great Create

So if you're crafty and ya know it...but perhaps you supress that awesome part of yourself - STOP! Hit the link and join us for this year long journey of craft project swapping. So fun. : )

my house is vanilla: The Great Create: "What is The Great Create? Basically, just a small group of crafty girls who have committed themselves to crafting each month with the purp..."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sharing the LOVE

Just thought I would share a bit of the LOVE fest that is going on at my house right now...Valentine's decor has gone up and it's always a bit different from the year before. I have decided to focus seasonally on the mantel and entrayway table area to transform them with each holiday or season. So next up is Valentine's day!

The pics aren't the best because they are with the iphone and I'm too busy/lazy/whatever to actually upload from the "real" camera today so this will suffice...

although I will have to get the real camera pics because my husband ROCKED it, making me this 18" tall X and O to go on the mantle so it's already changed a little. I even glitter-fied them so they are over the top sparkle fab. So wait to see that soon!...sorry : (

Some of the details on the pics;
...Kaia my ever so helpful kiddo staple together doilies to make the heart banners in a jiffy!
...all the Zebra is crepe birthday streamers which make my heart so happy. Kaia also added various hearts to a few of those to hang the jumbo entry hearts.
...I have 5 pink feather boas laying around the house in various places to use for this...which was a bit disturbing. They are stuffed in the hurricanes on the mantle along with pink Christmas bulbs as well as the garland on the tree of love.

I love transforming the house from season to season, for me it's part of making each holiday special for my family. Hope this goes a little way in letting them know how much I love 'em! XOXOXO

ADDED - 1/14/11 Here is the XO I promised to add!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Good Riddance 2010

I don't believe in dwelling on the negative but 2010 was one of the most personally difficult years of my life. I really struggled at times to find the balance and joy among the busy-ness and chaos of life. I am grateful  and thankful for the blessing the year held but overall I am glad the year is behind us and I am ready for a FRESH start in 2011. So I say Good Riddance to you 2010 and...

here are some of my REsolutions for 2011...
I will
RElax & REjoice.

These are the things I hope to REmember and keep in the forfront for 2011 and I hope to share with many of you as we start the new year.

Happy New Year! - Katie